July 24 - Seventh Sunday after Pentecost, Proper 12 (17)


Genesis 18:20-32 or Hosea 1:2-10
Psalm 138 or Psalm 85
Colossians 2:6-15 [16-19]
Luke 11:1-13
Click here to view scripture passages

Selections based on Scripture Readings

SATB   Two-Part Treble Voices   Psalm Downloads   

Selections based on Hymns and Songs for the Day

Click the hymn tune to see all available publications/resources.

By the Babylonian Rivers (Hos, Pss) - KAS DZIEDAJA
Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation (Col) - WESTMINSTER ABBEY - REGENT SQUARE
Forgive Our Sins as We Forgive (Pss, Col, Luke) - DETROIT
God Hath Spoken by the Prophets (Hos) - EBENEZER (TON-Y-BOTEL/TONY-BOTEL) - RUSTINGTON
I Want Jesus to Walk with Me (Col) - SOJOURNER
It is Well With My Soul (Col) - VILLE DU HAVRE
O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee (Col) (C) - MARYTON
The Church's One Foundation (Col) (O) - AURELIA
The Strife Is O'er, the Battle Done (Col) - VICTORY (PALESTRINA)
We Know That Christ Is Raised (Col, Baptism) - ENGELBERG
We Walk by Faith (Luke) - ST. BOTOLPH - DUNLAP'S CREEK
We Were Baptized in Christ Jesus (Col, Baptism) - OUIMETTE

Additional hymn selections and resources may be found in Prepare! A Weekly Worship Planbook for Pastors and Musicians
by David L. Bone and Mary J. Scifres. Abingdon Press.

Click here for more information.